教程目录 Table of Contents
 (下册)(Vol. 2)

《你我他》(上册) Ni Wo Ta (Vol. 1)        
前期基础训练单元  Pre-Units (Written in part by Yong Ho)
Overview: The Chinese Language  (by Yong Ho) 
Pre-Unit 1-A:  Pronunciation and the Phonetic System: Basic Concepts
Pre-Unit 1-B:  Character Writing: Basic Strokes
Pre-Unit 2-A:  Pronunciation: Unique Sounds and Their Pinyin Rules
Pre-Unit 2-B:  Character Writing: Radicals
Pre-Unit 3-A:  Pronunciation: Polysyllables, Unique Sounds, and Pinyin Rues
Pre-Unit 3-B:  Character Writing: Character Components and Composition
Pre-Unit 4-A:  Pronunciation: The Suffix -er, Tone Sandhi, and Similar ...
Pre-Unit 4-B:  Character Writing: Distinguishing Characters  

主单元   Main Units
第一单元:我和家人                       Unit 1: Me and My Family 
A. 第一课  我叫林小东                    My name is LIN Xiaodong  
B. 第二课  我的家人                        My family   
第二单元:认识新朋友                   Unit 2: Meeting New Friends
A. 第一课  这是我的宿舍                 This is my dorm room  
B. 第二课  你是哪里人?                 Where are you from?
第三单元: 我的东西                      Unit 3:  My Things
A. 第一课  我的书包太小了             My backpack is too small 
B. 第二课  买一个新的                    Let’s buy a new one
第四单元:买东西                          Unit 4: Money and Shopping   
A. 第一课  这个多少钱?                  How much is this?  
B. 第二课  你要什么号的?              What size do you want?  
第五单元:我的爱好                      Unit 5: Hobbies and Activities
A. 第一课  你喜欢做什么?             What do you like to do?  
B. 第二课  明天有晚会                   There is a party tomorrow
第六单元:时间和活动                  Unit 6: Time and Schedule 
A. 第一课  这个星期做什么?           My activities for this week  
B. 第二课  你周末有空吗?              Are you free this weekend?  
第七单元:旅行计划                      Unit 7: Making Travel Plans
A. 第一课  寒假快到了                   Winter break is almost here 
B. 第二课  我们打算出去旅游            We plan to travel

附录  Appendices
Pinyin Table
Grammatical Terms
Understanding Grammar and Structures
Grammar Index (U1-U7)
Vocabulary Index 1 (U1-U7)(Chinese to English)
Vocabulary Index 2 (U1-U7)  (English to Chinese)
Video Script (U1-U7) 

                                                                                              (下册)(Vol. 2)