  D&H  Instructor Resources


Feedback and Suggestion are Welcome.

-张霓 Phyllis 


All DH supporting materials are limited to the instructors of DH for teaching reference and education purposes only, and must not be transferred or copied for any other purposes.

© Copyright  by Phyllis Zhang. All rights reserved.


David & Helen in China (Intermediate)

   Phyllis Zhang with Yuanyuan Meng,

   Donald Chang and Irene Liu
Yale University Press, 1999, 2001, 2003

  1. What you can find here ...

  2. (标题可点选 Click to View)

  1. 教材信息及样书索取
    Book information and exam copy request

  2. 课文录音
    Audio clips available online

  3. 听力理解练习 (提供答案)
    Listening Comprehension Exercises.(with answer key)

  4. 阅读理解练习 (提供答案)
    Reading Comprehension Exercises (with answer key) 

  5. 语法、句型等练习 (提供答案)
    Exercises on grammar, sentence patterns, etc. (with answer key)

  6. 词汇、句式转换练习 (卡片)
    Exercises on words and sentence patterns for students 

  7. 课文标注拼音(第1-3课)
    Text with pinyin (Lessons 1-3) to facilitate transition to this course.

其他教学辅助资源 More Resources

  1. PPT: 提供词汇、句型及课文练习
    Slides for words, patterns and text created
    by Dr. Ling Mu, Yale U.

  2. 网上生词卡(免费, 简体、繁体)(黄桥中文中心网站)
    Online flashcards for new words of each lesson with both simplified and traditional characters. (by
    Yellow Bridge)
    1-9课 Lessons 1-9            10-18课  Lesson 10-18