  Biaoda  Instructor Resources
  1. What you can find here ...

  2. 教材信息:目录及样章、样书索取信息
    Information about the contents, sample chapters, and exam copy

  3. 教程配套网站:多媒体词句操练、生词卡、语块打字等
    Companion website: media-rich aural-oral drills, flashcards, fluency, typing and writing exercises.
    (Website created and maintained by Cengage Learning)

  4. 课堂活动PPT, 提供词汇测试游戏
    PPTs for class activities such as vocabulary quizzes or games

  5. 课堂讲练PPT
    PPTs for lectures or teacher reference

  6. 视听说短片:配合各单元主题的视频短片
    Videos for listening-speaking-writing tasks including skits and interviews.

  7. 视听补充:更多适合《表达》话题的视频短片
    More video supplements including skits, interviews and short plays

  8. 写作练习网页:写作要求与提示;学生写作样例
    Blog webpage with writing guides and student writing samples

  9. 教学资源包:教学建议及参考材料、教学安排等
    Resources: teaching tips and samples, activity schedule etc.  

  10. 《表达》勘误表 2011-2014.pdf
    DCF errata and changes: Lists of corrected errors and changes

欢迎提供信息、分享资料 Contributions welcome


Feedback and Suggestion are Welcome.

-张霓 Phyllis 


All DCF supporting materials are limited to the instructors of DCF for teaching reference and education purposes only, and must not be transferred or copied for any other purposes.

© Copyright  by Phyllis Zhang. All rights reserved.


Developing Chinese Fluency

(Intermediate ~Advanced)

Phyllis Zhang

Cengage Learning

Phyllis Zhang © All Rights Reserved